How to Burn More Calories Using a Treadmill: A Complete Guide

This article will discuss “how to burn more calories using a treadmill“. Let’s explore.

If you’re like most people, you don’t look forward to running outside in the cold throughout the winter and fall months. Even in the summer, if you want to get your daily workout in, you’ll want to avoid rainstorms. All of this is eliminated while using a treadmill, but there is one concern: the number of calories burnt on the treadmill.

Slopes and inclines are naturally present in outdoor terrain, ensuring that your muscles are worked in a variety of ways during your workout. You’ll grow muscle and burn more calories as a result.

How to Burn More Calories Using a Treadmill

There are various modifications you can do to increase your treadmill workout and maximize your caloric burn.

Increase the Running Time

Running for longer periods of time is the obvious choice if you want to burn more calories. You will burn 330 calories if you weigh 150 pounds and run at 6 miles per hour. If you’re heavier, you’ll burn more calories.

An extra 165 calories will be burned if you extend your workout by 15 minutes, for a total of 495 calories burned (using the 150-pound weight above).

However, if you want to burn more calories in the same period of time, our recommendations below can help.

Related: How Long Should You Run On the Treadmill?

Increase Your Speed

While running, the faster you run, the more calories you burn. Many people cannot run at six mph for long periods of time, but it does not imply you cannot begin at a slower pace.

When running, start slowly and progressively increase your speed every minute. If you can comfortably run at that speed for as long as you can, increase your speed to 4.5 and 5.0 MPH. Reduce your speed gradually when you feel you can no longer keep up the pace, avoiding surpassing 4 miles per hour.

It’s all about the intensity in this game. If you can increase your running speed, you will burn more calories. Even tiny improvements will have a huge impact.

Maintain Your Fitness Interval Workouts

Are you ready to increase the intensity of your treadmill workout? Interval training is quite popular, and it can be done on a treadmill. These intense workouts will leave you weary while also increasing your calorie burn. Take a look at how they’re done here:

  • Do a one- to two-minute jog.
  • Increase the speed to sprinting speed for 30 seconds.
  • Resuming your jogging pace is a good idea.

Sprinting in short bursts will help you burn more calories by increasing your metabolism.

Another option is to change the treadmill’s inclination. This can be performed by using the below-mentioned methods:

  • Jogging on level ground.
  • Adjust the incline to a 3-degree angle.
  • Slow down until you’re able to run at a consistent speed.
  • Increase the incline even more.
  • Reduce your speed to a running pace.
  • Reduce the angle to 2 degrees.

You can use whatever technique or arrangement you choose, but on the treadmill, changing pace and slope levels will urge your body to burn more calories.

Add Hand or Ankle Weights

We’re not talking about weight lifting here. We’re discussing adding ankle and arm weights to your treadmill run. You’ll have to work at a slower rate, but you’ll grow muscle, and your workout will be more intense.

If you can jog safely and comfortably, you can even jog with weights in your hands. Don’t forget to attach the emergency stop to yourself if you want to be extra cautious.

Some people even try to go out of their way to do something unexpected. By substantially slowing down the treadmill’s speed, users will complete walking lunges after a 2-minute sprint at 5 MPH, or whatever level they can maintain. This is a difficult exercise since your quadriceps will be pushed to their limits, but it will be well worth the effort.

Create Your Own Treadmill Workout

Do you ever go for a treadmill run without a specific workout in mind? Many people ignore the significance of developing a good treadmill workout program. There are a variety of exercises to pick from. Simply select a program from our extensive fitness guide that is suitable for the type of workout you want to try.

Also Read: HIIT Treadmill Workout: Does It Really Work?

Bottom Line

If you keep track of your workouts, you’ll be able to estimate your caloric burn and adjust your workout intensity in the future. Making tiny tweaks to the way you run on the treadmill can provide tremendous effects.

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