Exercise Bike Vs. Treadmill: Pros & Cons – What’s Right for You?

The treadmill vs. the exercise bike is a battle between two of the most popular types of exercise equipment. Which machine is the most high-tech and advanced? It’s a difficult question to answer, but comparing the treadmill vs. stationary exercise bike will surely help you figure out where you stand.

A cardiovascular workout works up the complete body, sometimes engaging many muscle groups at once. Cardio can help you increase endurance, expand lung capacity, decrease weight, and gain muscle, depending on your physical goals.

Exercise Bike Vs. Treadmill

Exercise bikes and treadmills are the most commonly used exercise equipment at the gym and at home, but determining which one is best for you and your physical demands and objectives can be difficult. There are significant differences between a treadmill and a stationary exercise bike.

This article will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of both the stationary exercise bike and the treadmill and how to use both successfully.

Exercise Bike

When you move your legs on an exercise bike compared to a treadmill, you’ll be carrying less weight, and your body won’t have to work as hard because the seat supports your weight.

Setting the resistance on the stationary exercise bike to a higher level is the best way to burn more calories and avoid cycling madly for what seems like an eternity.

When you’ve become used to the resistance, gradually increase it until you can’t go any farther. This is excellent for your cardiovascular health and will assist you in losing weight more effectively.

The exercise bike focuses on the lower body, providing an excellent workout for your thighs, calves, and glutes. Still, it does not provide a strong upper-body workout because your arms are used to keep you stable on the bike if necessary.

Add some arm exercises or light weights to your cycling style to use more muscles and put yourself to the test.

The best thing about the exercise bike is that it allows you to multitask while getting a great workout, even if your definition of multitasking is being able to text at the same time.

It’s a great alternative for people with damaged knees, the elderly, or those resuming exercise after an injury because it has a lower impact on the lower body. The stationary exercise bike will suit most levels and lifestyles, whether you’re a beginner or an athlete.

Because the lower body is under less stress, most people will find that they can exercise for longer periods of time and enjoy it more, resulting in greater success if their goals are results-oriented.

While the exercise bike is low-impact, cycling for extended periods may produce lower-back pain; however, you can get up and change positions as needed.

Because exercise is not always everyone’s favorite hobby, riding on the exercise bike can get a bit boring after a while, especially because it is primarily involved in your legs. We recommend listening to music through the built-in speaker system or your headphones.

You could even pass the time by watching Netflix on your phone.


• Suitable for multitasking

• They come with a range of workout plans.

• Helpful for the elderly or those recovering from a traumatic event.

• It improves flexibility

• Helpful for people who struggle with their balance.

• The impact on the legs is minor.

• Machines with a tiny footprint


• Burns fewer calories than workouts of the same intensity.

• Is exclusively focused on the lower body


Jogging on the treadmill is the most effective approach for improving cardiovascular health while also getting a thorough workout because it engages various muscle groups.

As a result, you’re not only giving your legs a great workout, but you’re also helping to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, which help you keep balanced when running.

When you run to power your body, move your arms back and forth to help build and tone your arms.

The treadmill is the best option if you want to reduce weight and burn fat. Depending on your speed, inclination, and time, you can burn up to 600-1200 calories per hour while running on a treadmill.

Following that, you can choose from a variety of treadmill programs to suit your fitness level.

Try a high-intensity quick stroll if you don’t like running but still want to reduce weight. You’ll burn a lot of calories without feeling as if you’re going to pass out every 5 seconds.

On the treadmill, you can even conduct sprint intervals, which is dubbed HIIT training.

Running for 20 seconds at a fast pace and then walking for 10 seconds over a 10-15 minute period can be beneficial to heart health and burn a considerable quantity of calories in a short time.

Running on the treadmill can put a lot of strain on your joints because each stride puts a lot of weight on your legs.

Treadmills have a softer surface to cushion the impact, but you should visit a doctor before using one if you have weak or troublesome ankles, knees, or any other body component.

Running on the treadmill, like exercising on an exercise bike, can get tedious and uninteresting, but keeping yourself engaged by listening to music or watching a show as you run might help.

Maintaining consistency also necessitates varying your running routine.

If you do the same half-hour run every day, you’ll get bored, so switch it up. Begin with a fast, high-intensity walk, gradually increasing to a jog, and finishing with sprints. It keeps you interested in what you’re doing.

Treadmills can be huge and cumbersome, making them difficult to purchase and fit into your home. On the other hand, there are those on the market that fold up for storage.

Treadmills are also more prone than exercise bikes to break down, so having them serviced or maintained will increase the cost of your purchase.


• Calories are burnt more quickly.

• Workes out a variety of muscle groups

• It’s preferable to go for a run outside.

• Various inclination and speed options


• It can be tiresome.

• It takes up a lot of space.

• More prone to breaking

Why a Treadmill Is Preferred Over a Stationary Exercise Bike

On a variety of exercise machines, you can undertake low-impact workouts or high-intensity interval training. Whether it’s a treadmill, rowing machine, cross trainer, or stationary bike, you have a variety of possibilities.

Treadmills and stationary cycles are two of the most popular options. Both provide an excellent cardiovascular workout that can aid weight loss and fitness.

The top four reasons why treadmills outperform exercise bikes, according to studies, are outlined below.

1. Treadmills are excellent for a full-body workout rather than just leg fitness!

Running engages almost all of your body’s muscles. Running exercises your legs, but it has also been shown to help strengthen your core and back muscles. These are the muscles that aid in your running stability.

Believe it or not, you’ll also get a great arm workout. Pumping your arms back and forth while running helps you build a powerful body, not just strong legs. Holding light dumbbells while jogging can help you get even better results.

2. Treadmills burn more calories; thus, you lose weight faster.

Running appears to be a significant amount of effort, and it is!

Instead of riding a stationary bike, you should use a treadmill with your back on the saddle if you want to lose tummy fat.

Running is one of the few cardiovascular exercises that burn the most calories.

Cycling burns 500-1000 calories per hour, while treadmills burn 600-1200 calories per hour. What’s the difference between the two? When seated on a bike, you’re not fighting gravity as you are on a treadmill.

On the treadmill, you can undertake HIIT workouts and other ways to burn even more calories.

3. You’ll be less likely to develop diabetes and hypertension.

There are various risk factors for diabetes and heart disease that you cannot control. These determinants include your race, age, and the genes you acquired from your parents.

In addition to nutrition, treadmill activity has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels.

Another study indicated that in hypertension patients, the treadmill was better than the exercise bike.

In addition to burning more calories and maintaining healthy body weight, a treadmill exercise can help you reduce your risk of diabetes and other diseases.

4. A more challenging cardio workout

A treadmill is an excellent tool for getting a solid workout. To tone and grow visually appealing muscles, people use a range of gym devices. However, one of the most common criticisms about several of these machines is that they are limited in their functionality in everyday circumstances.

When you ride a stationary bike, for example, you’re working your muscles in a range of motion that you wouldn’t ordinarily achieve in other activities. Although a bike will undoubtedly improve your biking skills over time, it will not assist you as much when you are out and about living your life.

It’s a really functional technique of working out since you engage your muscles in those identical ways when you walk and run on a treadmill. Try a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) method if your treadmill workouts have grown tedious.


Finally, which is better: a treadmill or an exercise bike? Both the exercise bike and the treadmill are easy to operate, making them excellent for those who are just getting started with their fitness journey.

The treadmill is the ideal machine to use if you want to lose weight and burn calories. It may be used to walk and run at different speeds and on different slopes.

If you want a piece of equipment that is low impact and easy on your joints, the exercise bike is a great option. It gives you a gentler workout with moderate speed and resistance, which you may then increase as needed to match your needs.

This will lower your chance of injury while also allowing you to progress and succeed in your fitness goals.

Because it all relies on the individual’s requirements and objectives, there is no conclusive answer as to which is best.

If you have access to a gym, you can test out both machines to see which one you prefer. If you’re looking to acquire a cardio machine for your home, we recommend that you consider your goals and needs before making a purchase.

Most treadmills include incline levels and workout options, allowing the runner to imitate challenging terrain while also increasing leg power and energy.

Treadmills can accommodate a wide range of body types and sizes, making them appropriate for even the heaviest of beginners.

The battle between the treadmill and the stationary exercise bike is over. Check out our articles on the Best Folding Treadmill and the Best Budget Treadmill if you think a treadmill will be beneficial to you. You may also compare all of the treadmills we’ve looked at, as well as our recommendations for different pricing ranges.

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